Robert E. Spiller Bowling Green Veterans Center

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Architect's rendering of the 60 bed state veterans home in Bowling Green

Job Openings

Step 1:  Go to job search page by clicking ​here​.
Step 2:  Hit the search button after selecting Warren County in the County Option
Step 3:  Veterans Center jobs will show the General Government Cabinet with the listing
Step 4:  Click on the job title to confirm by checking the location, Veterans Way, BG​

Volunteer Opportunities

For information regarding volunteer opportunities at BGVC, please contact ​​

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Where is the newest state veterans center? 

It is in the Bowling Green Intermodal Transpark just off Mizpah Road (This entrance is temporarily closed for security reasons). Once the construction is complete, the physical address will be 1111 Veterans Way, Bowling Green KY. It is located on what is known as lot 9-1 in the Transpark. For now, if you enter 1309 Production Avenue it will take you to the back entrance to the facility (to your left as you approach). 

2) How big is the facility? 

It is approximately 80,000 square feet, has sixty (60) private suites with private baths and sits on approximately 25 acres of land.

3) When will it open, when will veterans be admitted? 

We now have substantial completion scheduled for May 21, 2025 and admissions expected to start in July 2025.​

4) What is the cost?  

Privately - $5,000/month for a private suite/private bath. We will also participate in the Medicare and Medicaid program along with various insurance programs and VA per diems. Prevailing rate veterans (70% or above serviced-connected disability rating or those with a 60% service-connected disability rating and permanently unemployable) are eligible for their stay to be paid through the state veterans home per diem payment program, with no cost to the veteran or family for care and services required under 38 CFR Part 51.  

5) Is there a "waiting list?" 

We maintain a list of those that are in the process of applying. However, it is not a true numerical waiting list. All veterans are assessed for their level of care needs, with admission priority being given to those that need the care and services the most (e.g., someone at home with no caregivers or services available).

6)  How do I get on a “waiting list?" ​

For admission inquiries, you can contact Monica Ruehling at (270) 352-6715 or email her at​.

7) I’m a veteran, can my spouse be admitted?

Only if they are a veteran. Spouses and Gold Star members are not currently eligible for admission in Kentucky.

8) What are the eligibility requirements? 

17 KAR  3:040 Section 1. Eligibility Requirements. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, to be admitted to a Kentucky Veterans Center, the person shall:
(a) Be a veteran;
(b) Be disabled by reason of disease, wounds, age, or otherwise be in need of nursing care;
(c) Be a Kentucky resident as of the date of admission to a Kentucky Veterans Center; and
(d) Have a military discharge that is not of a dishonorable nature.

(2) A person shall not be eligible for admission if the person:

(a) Has been diagnosed by a qualified health care professional as acutely mentally ill, as an acute   alcoholic, as addicted to drugs, as continuously disruptive, or as dangerous to self or others;
(b) Is ventilator dependent; or
(c) Has needs that cannot be met by the Veterans Center.

9) What level of care does the facility provide? 

The facility is a skilled nursing facility. It does not provide any other level of care (Assisted Living, Personal Care, Domiciliary Care, Adult Day Health Care, etc.)

10) Are there other facilities like this in Kentucky? 

Yes, the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs is proud to offer skilled nursing care at The Carl M. Brashear Radcliff Veterans Center, The Paul E. Patton Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center in Hazard, The Joseph Eddie Ballard Western Kentucky Veterans Center in Hanson, and the Thomson-Hood Veterans Center in Wilmore. Contact information for those facilities can be found on our website at

11) What is the most important thing to have in hand when submitting an application for admission? 

A copy of your DD214 and proof of Kentucky residency.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Nov. 2, 2022​