Are you a veteran looking to acquire a copy of your high school diploma after your graduation? Do you need proof of your education for a job application? Here is a helpful guide on how to get your hands on a copy of this important document.
Step 1
Call the high school you graduated from and ask the person you speak with for information on how to request a copy of your high school diploma. Different school districts handle the issue differently. Most require you to fill out and fax in a diploma request form. Some require you to come down in person, or they may take the request over the phone
Step 2
Pay the transcript fee. Most districts cannot accept credit or debit cards, so you will either need to pay cash in person or mail a check.
Step 3
Inquire about the time-frame in which your diploma will arrive. In most cases it will take several weeks for the diploma to be mailed to you. If that time is not convenient or quick enough, you can request to pick it up in person.
What is a GED?
The General Educational Development (GED) tests are a group of four subject tests which, when passed, provide certification that the test taker has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills. It is an alternative to the US high school diploma.
I didn't graduate high school. What now?
The Army's High School Completion Program (HSCP) is an off-duty program that provides soldiers and adult family members the opportunity to earn a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. Tuition Assistance (TA) is authorized for soldiers up to 100 percent of the cost of the courses leading to a high school diploma or the equivalent. The local Army Education Center can provide information on the availability of a resident HSCP on base, in the community, or through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) external degree program.
Army Continuing Education System will also provide general education development (GED) testing at no cost to the soldier.
The GED tests give adults who didn't finish high school the opportunity to earn a high school credential. Recognized throughout the United States by employers and educators, the GED diploma has increased education and employment opportunities for millions of adults since 1942. The tests cover five academic areas--writing (which includes an essay), social studies, science, literature and the arts, and mathematics. If the GED tests are not available through the installation/post Army Education Center, the tests are administered in all 50 states at identified GED test centers. The tests are also available in Spanish and French editions, and in Braille, large print and audiocassette formats.
704 KAR 7:140.World War II and Korean Veterans diplomas.
KRS 158.140(4) requires the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate an administrative regulation establishing the guidelines for use by local boards of education when awarding a high school diploma to an honorably discharged veteran who was enrolled in, but did not complete, high school prior to being inducted into the United States Armed Forces during World War II, as defined in KRS 40.010, or the Korean conflict as defined in KRS 40.010. This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for awarding a high school diploma to those World War II and Korean conflict veterans.
Section 1. Documentation Needed to Determine Eligibility. An honorably discharged veteran of World War II, or the Korean conflict, or a member of the veteran's family, shall provide a discharge certificate showing the period of service and type of discharge and the name of the school and district of enrollment to the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs, 1111 Louisville Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
Section 2.Guidelines for Local Boards of Education to Award Diplomas.
(1)The Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs shall forward the verified documentation to the local board of education
(2)Upon receipt of documentation, a local board of education shall verify the veteran was enrolled in, but did not complete, high school prior to induction and meets the requirements of KRS 158.140. If the high school or district has been consolidated or reconfigured since the veteran's enrollment, the current local board of education with jurisdiction shall provide the verification.
Operation Recognition: Veterans Awarded High School Diplomas
Operation Recognition is a program that honors Veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam by granting them high school diplomas. It’s a belated gesture of our lasting respect and appreciation for their service and commitment to our nation.
Contact your local school district for eligibility requirements and instructions to nominate a Veteran for Operation Recognition.
What is DANTES?

The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) is the Defense Human Resource Activity (DHRA) component that provides consolidated management of Defense Voluntary Education (VolEd) programs that prevents duplication of effort among the Services and helps service members gain the knowledge they need to achieve their education goals, advance in their military careers, and transition into the civilian workforce at the conclusion of their military service.
Read more about the DANTES program here.
What is VolED?

The Department of Defense (DoD) invests in off-duty, voluntary education (VolEd) to support military recruitment, retention, readiness, and civilian transition goals. Under the direction of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Readiness, Force Education, and Training, the Defense Department maintains and provides educational opportunities for military members worldwide to include:
- Academic Skills Training Program
- College and Career Counseling Program
- DoD MOU College Comparison Tool (TADECIDE)
- Tuition Assistance (TA) for Postsecondary Degree Certificates/Programs
- College Credit by Examination Program
- Military Training Evaluation Program
- Joint Services Transcript (JST)
- Troops to Teachers Program
- Overseas Education Support
Read more about
Voluntary Education here.