Veterans Benefits

​​​​​​​​​KDVA provides professional help free of charge to veterans in obtaining and using federal and state benefits to which they are entitled.  We help veterans and their dependents make successful claims for benefits, privileges, rights, and other veteran services.  Benefits include access to veterans' nursing homes, burial with honors in veterans cemeteries, benefits counseling, and specific assistance for homeless and women veterans.  

Find a federally accredited representative. ​​

How do I choose a representative?

KDVA Benefits Division’s primary mission is to assist veterans and their family members file for their Federal VA Compensation and Pension Benefits. We have Veterans Benefits Field Representatives (VBFR) across the Commonwealth to assist veterans.  You can find the closest Claims Representative
We are:
Fully accredited
Full-time professionals
Expert at representing veterans in Appeals.  You do not need an attorney!

We believe that, although veterans may file claims on their own, most veterans are better served by working with an ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVE and the Federal VA encourages veterans to seek assistance from Accredited Representatives.  
From the Federal VA: “ If you need help filing a claim or appeal, you may want to work with an accredited attorney, a claims agent, or a Veterans Service Officer (VSO). We trust these professionals because they’re trained and certified in the VA claims and appeals processes and can help you with VA-related needs.
VSOs work on behalf of Veterans and service members—as well as their dependents and survivors.” 

KDVA is not the only avenue for claims assistance.  There are many fine Veterans Service Organizations that assist veterans with claims but we encourage you to check to see if the individual you are working with is ACCREDITED. 
Accredited representatives MUST 
Pass an exam
Pass a background check
Take continuing education courses to make sure they’re providing the most up-to-date information

You should verify accreditation on the VA Office of General Counsel web page: See who is accredited.

If their name is not there, they are not accredited.

Some Veterans Service Organizations use volunteers that are trained and certified by the organization. Those volunteers are trained to prepare the claims documents and submit them to their Organization’s accredited representative for review and submission.  

RED FLAG If an unaccredited individual fills out your claims forms and hands them to you to mail to the VA, you are NOT being represented by an accredited representative.  Accredited Representatives usually submit claims to the VA via electronic portals.

RED FLAG – If you are asked to provide money for claims assistance BEWARE.  FREE quality claims assistance is available.

RED FLAG – If someone tells you that you need a lawyer to file a claim or appeal.  Accredited representatives can represent you all the way through a Board of Veterans Appeals at no charge.  KDVA has a full-time Appeals Specialist with an incredibly successful track record. ​