Legal Resources

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to the Office of Veteran Legal Services (OVLS)

​KRS 40.300(4): “There is created the Office of Veteran Legal Services within the Office of the Commissioner. The office shall be headed by an executive director appointed pursuant to KRS 12.050 who shall report to the commissioner of the Department of Veterans' Affairs.”

About OVLS:​

KDVA’s Office of Veteran Legal Services (OVLS) was established pursuant to KRS 40.300(4) to address legal issues associated with KDVA’s mission to assist Kentucky veterans and their families to pursue “all claims, privileges, rights, and other benefits which they may have under federal, state, or local laws.” 

Where are Kentucky’s Veterans?:

​According to the Pew Research Center, there were more than 18 million veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces as of November 2023. Veterans represent approximately 6 percent of the adult population in the U.S. Similar to national statistics, 7.2 percent of Kentuckians aged 18 and older are veterans (i.e., that’s just over 250,000 veterans). Presently, there are at least 100 veterans residing in each of the Commonwealth’s 120 counties. Thus, there is a likelihood that veterans living in any county in Kentucky can benefit from having access to OVLS.

(Click on the map to see more details)

What Services does OVLS Provide?:​

Administrative Legal Services

OVLS advises KDVA’s divisions and programs in the furtherance of its mission and represents KDVA before the Commonwealth’s administrative boards and commissions. OVLS also provides legal support to the Veterans Program Trust Fund Board of Directors. As KDVA is an extension of the Governor’s Office, OVLS’s Counsel serves as Ethics Officer to ensure KDVA functions within the guidelines of the Executive Branch.

​Outside Legal Collaborations

OVLS does not directly represent veterans in state or federal legal claims.  Instead, KDVA partners with the following agencies, committees, and associations to provide legal services to Kentucky’s veterans.​​